SOLD: 6+ Y/O Outdoor Power Gear Dropship eCommerce Store - $11.6k Profit/Mo
A Dropship store in the Outdoor Gear industry
LIST PRICE: $420,000
- Average Monthly Revenue: $100,852
- Average Monthly Net Profit: $11,636
- Profit Margin: Gross: 18.9% / Net: 11.5%
- Monthly Multiplier: 36x
- Business Created: Jul 2017
- Owner Hours Required: < 5 hours per week
Listing Overview
Up for sale is a 6+ year-old dropship eCommerce store that sells USA-brand products to a very specific niche of customers. (The domain name and niche will be disclosed after you sign the NDA.) Over the past year, the store has averaged just over $100k in revenue and $11.6k in net profit per month.
The founder/owner of the business (whose name is John) has done an amazing job search engine optimizing (SEO) the site, which has over 400 top-3 Google rankings which get a combined ~47,000 searches per month (plus an additional 1,050+ page 1 rankings searched for 83,000+ times per month). Bottom line: The vast majority of the site's traffic is free organic traffic. See more info in the Marketing & Traffic section below.
A team of 3 Virtual Assistants (VAs) handles all of the day-to-day operations of the store, including order fulfillment, customer service, catalog management, etc. Because of this, John himself currently only spends 3-5 hours per week on the store (sending a weekly email, improving SEO and adding an occasional article).
John is selling the store because he isn't personally "into" the niche/products the store sells and he's gotten a bit burnt out after 6+ years. He also has a coaching business that he wants to spend more time and attention on.
Assets Included in the Sale
Site & Social Media Links
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John has hired a team of 3 Virtual Assistants (VAs), based in the Philippines, that handles all of the day-to-day operations of the store. This allows him to work no more that about 3-5 hours per week, making the store all but passive for him. On average, these 3 VAs only cost around $1,900 per month (as shown on the 'Virtual Assistants' line item of the P&L).
Unlike most eCommerce stores, this site has an active affiliate program that generates a fair amount of sales. John offers affiliates a 5% commission, which may not seem like a lot, but which is a great incentive when you consider that the store's Average Order Value (AOV) is $3,212. Affiliate commissions paid to affiliates are shown on the 'Affiliate Payouts' line item.
The 'Other Revenue' line item contains minimal revenue from occasional guest blog posts and non-competitive ad hosting.
The following 'Finances Summary' report from Shopify corroborates the 'Sales Revenue' shown in the P&L above. The 'Total Sales' number is a few thousand dollars off from the 'Sales Revenue' figure in the P&L simply due to the timing of which month revenue (as well as occasional cancelations) is recorded on the P&L.
Marketing & Traffic
As you can see from the Google Analytics 'Acquisition Overview' report below, the majority of the site's traffic is either free organic traffic (67%), direct traffic (11%) or referral traffic from other websites (11%). From all sources combined, the site gets approximately 718 sessions per day.
Note: The above report is for the period Nov 1, 2022 through Oct 4, 2023 (rather than October 31, 2023). This is because the site changed over to GA4 analytics tracking in early October. Click here to see a GA4 report that goes all the way through October 31st.
Additional Google Analytics reports (including the 'Audience Overview' report and 'Ecommerce Overview' report) will be visible in the Additional Information & Reports section below after you sign the NDA.
Free organic traffic, of course, comes from high rankings in Google and other search engines. And this site has them by the boatload! The following table shows how many keyword phrases (i.e. search phrases) the site ranks for in (USA) and the combined monthly search volume for each grouping. All data is from as of Nov 9, 2023.
Google Rank | # of KW Phrases | Monthly Searches |
#1 | 176 | 11,910 |
#2 | 47 | 3,550 |
#3 | 184 | 31,240 |
#4-5 | 317 | 25,480 |
#6-7 | 266 | 17,410 |
#8-10 | 474 | 40,130 |
Note: After you sign the NDA, you can download the report from the Additional Information & Reports section to see the keyword rankings data.
This screenshot from shows that the site's Domain Ranking (DR) is 44 and that it currently gets about $9,200 worth of free organic traffic per month (meaning that you'd have to pay an estimated $9,200 in Pay-Per-Click ads to generate the same amount of traffic this site currently gets for free).
John has dabbled here and there with a couple small paid advertising campaigns, but he admits he's an "SEO guy" and that PPC advertising intimidates him so he hasn't done much at all with paid ads. Getting paid advertising going is a huge growth opportunity the new owner could explore.
Buying Process
You can make an offer for this business here. We will immediately present your offer to the sellers. If they accept your offer, we'll notify you immediately and update this page to let other interested parties know that an offer has been accepted.
Once your offer is accepted, a 30-day due diligence period will begin (during which time other interested parties may place a "back-up offer" in case the sale falls through for whatever reason). During this 30-day due diligence period, we'll work closely with you and the seller to help you complete due diligence.
Once the Asset Purchase Agreement (APA) is signed and the sale is completed, we will update this page to let other interested parties know that the sale has been finalized and remove this listing from the Store Coach Marketplace.
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